Oversea Filipino Workers in Taiwan.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
OVERSEA FILIPINO WORKERS IN TAIWAN 1. Taiwan immigrant labor market The latest report from Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) stated that Taiwan, with only 9 deployed OFWs in 1985, surprisingly jumped to as the fifth (5th) top destination of Filipino workers in 2002 (after Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong, Japan, and United Arab Emirates). With new hires from Taiwan increase 60.36% also in this year, it can be said Taiwan is a growing market for Philippine manpower exporters. Taiwan's economy took …

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…placement fee give them higher income, therefore the salary seems higher to them. Under this "higher- price" effect, Taiwan employers can recruit better employees which at the same time increase Philippines's competitiveness. CLA has decided lately to remove restrictions on foreign labor whereby Taiwanese small and medium sized enterprises are allowed more freedom to employ foreign workers. This is a promising signal for Philippine manpower exporters to further expand their overseas labor market in Taiwan.