Overcoming Barriers to Change.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Management
Niccolo' Machiavelli, a 16th century politician once said, " There is nothing so difficult to implement as change, since those in favor of the change will often be small in number while those opposing the change will be numerous and enthusiastic in this resistance to change." Changes are a part of everyday life. Change can be required or suggested, yet no one can guarantee that people will comply. Change can be viewed as difficult to people …

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…expected from employees. Being team -based, adaptable, and goal oriented. These values must be close or similar in order to initiate a successful change. An employee may not be willing to adapt to a new change if the company has not shown any initiation to change to new ideas as well. 8. Monitor Progress and Adjust the Vision as Required - It is important to monitor progress to see if the change is being implemented correctly.