Overall, has the past century of warfare been worth it?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
War has been defined as a period of fighting, where there are open acts of warfare and hostility present. It is a destructive, vicious, violent and senseless process, where in most cases many people lose there lives defending their country or fighting against another. Despite this, it has been present numerous times in the past century. World War I and II, the Korean War, Vietnams War, Desert Storm and the Gulf War are just some …

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…developments would not have been made if it wasn't for war, as well as some countries would not be in the position they are in economically today and some would still be living under tyranny. Overall, war is never worth it because of the many lives it takes, but to some extent thanks to the wars that have been fought, technology today is remarkable, and several countries' economies were improved and nations have been liberated.