Over Population

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
During the first 2 million or so years of its history the human population was a minor element in the world ecosystem, with at most 10 million members. In the New Stone Age, less than 10,000 years ago, the number of humans began to increase more rapidly. The rough equilibrium maintained before Neolithic times gave way when the human population developed agriculture and animal husbandry and no longer had to spread out in search of game. With the …

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…children. In 1980's, the government called for a target family size of three, and introduced many laws to limit number of children to one, in special circumstances, two. These measures helped to slow population growth dramatically. Nonetheless, China continues to have about 18 millions more new mouths to feed each year - a heave drain to its resources. Bibliography: 1. 1996 Groiler Multimedia Encyclopedia 2. Lands and People 2 3. China 4. Psychology today Jan/Feb 95 volume 28 issue 1 5. 1996 World Book 6. 1995 Americana Encyclopedia