Outsourcing- using IBM, world's largest computer company regarding the practice of outsourcing and offshoring.

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ABSTRACT This work involves the use of the largest computer company in the world regarding the practice of outsourcing and offshoring; this paper tries to identify the ways in which the effectiveness of organizations can be influenced by human resource management, the relationship between organizational culture and human resource management. The principle elements in human resource management in developing the effectiveness of the organization is been evaluated and finally the analysis of major HRM problems …

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…amp; Jimmieson, N., L., (2003), "A Stress and coping approach to Organizational Change", Australian Psychologist; Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 203-210. Volker, M., et al, (2005), "Strategic Outsourcing of IT Services: Theoretical Stocktaking and Empirical Challenges," Industry and Innovation Periodical; Vol. 12, Iss. 2; pg. 205, 49. Websites 1. http://web31.epnet.com/citation.asp?tb 2. http://economics.about.com/cs/macroeconomics/a/jobless_recov.htm 3. http://www-1.ibm.com/services/uk/index.wss/gen 4. http://www.executivesonline.co.uk/change_management/change-management_services