Outsiders creative writing - A depressed teenager who is being picked on by a group of people.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
The day resumed with platitudinous sentences being repeatedly mumbled to himself. "What am I doing here? What am I living for? Who cares for me...?" <Tab/>"Is that freak staring at me again? What is his problem?" Russell whispered to his pals. <Tab/>Even though David was off in his own little world on the other side of the room, he had overheard that rude comment. He …

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…a great lesson. No matter how bad things get, they will always get better. It's sad for those who follow through with suicide and never get to figure that out. I wanted to share my story with you today because I do not want anyone to reach the jagged rocks at the bottom which leave scars." As I left the stage, the audience applauded and a surge of pride overwhelmed me for the first time.