"Outsiders are victims of themselves and society" What is your view? use the texts you have studied ("The Floating World" by John Romeril and "Death Be Not Proud" by John Donne)and one other text.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Outsider Essay An outsider is a person who has been exiled or excluded from society because they are different in appearance, beliefs, background, behaviour, or mental health. Outsiders may choose isolation but their victimisation is carried out by society. Romeril's Les Harding is deliberately portrayed as one of society's innocent victims in contrast with Shakespeare's murderous Lady Macbeth And John Donne's pathetic death. In John Romeril's surreal comic tragedy "The Floating World" he uses a …

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…Robinson, a British Vice Admiral until it directly affects them because people, rather than tackling larger issues, prefer to ignore them, or place them in a box because of convenience. Similarly to Les, Lady Macbeth's descent into madness was not recognised by her husband until it was too late, and was isolated even in her marriage, and thus and outsider. Society victimises its outsiders, whether or not they have chosen to break away from society.