Outline the changing views on sporting contact with South Africa between the 1920's & 1970's. In what way was the government responsible for the conflict witnessed in the 1981 tour?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
New Zealand's sporting activities have often had an impact on international relations and have often divided the country in two. A prime example of this is the apartheid issue with South Africa. This was seen when all the tours took place during the middle 1900's where no "Blacks" were allowed to play when the All blacks toured South Africa. New Zealand finally took action to this racism in the 1981 tour with South Africa, where New …

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…wire fence and went into the field, because of this the game was called off! Police handled this situation with extreme brutality and some were charged with charges of Brutality! To conclude we see that most of the governments at the time didn't try hard enough to stop the tours and because of this New Zealand was known as racist because by playing Rugby with South Africa countries thought that we supported racism and apartheid!