Outline of Leprosy

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
I. Name of Disease Leprosy; different forms being Lepromatus, Tuberculoid, Multibacilliary, and Paucibacilliary II. Name of Bacteria Mycobacterium leprae III. Description of the Bacteria Mycobacterium leprae, the bacteria which causes leprosy, is a rod-like bacillus with parallel sides and rounded ends measuring 2-7 micro-millimeters in length and 0.3-0.4 micro-millimeters in width. It can only be seen under the electron microscope when stained. It is acid-fast and alcohol-fast, meaning not decolorized by acid or alcohol after …

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…unsanitary conditions contribute to its spread, and even in the more developed countries it crops up from time to time. In the United States, the disease is found mostly in Louisiana, Texas, Florida, Hawaii, and occasionally in California, New York City, and other areas where immigrants from endemic areas have settled. Modern treatment has significantly reduced the number of cases, however, and the World Health Organization, or WHO, is working to eradicate the disease worldwide.