Outline in detail the role and impact of three organisations that women were heavily involved in during world war one.

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Essay Database > History > World History
During World War One (1914-1918) there were many organisations that women were involved in and these organisations greatly contributed to the war effort. The women of World War One were heavily involved in keeping the home front operational whilst the men were away fighting the war. Three major organisations that the women of World War One were involved in were The Women's Land Army, The Order of the White Feather and The Women's Peace Party. …

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…punitive toward Germany. They approved the League of Nations with the stipulations that it be more democratic in principle and that Germany be included. The delegates also formed the new Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), whose constitution pledged to support "movements to further peace, internationalism, and the freedom of women." The U.S. branch of the WILPF, its roots in the WPP, is the longest-lasting women's peace organization in the United States.