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Essay Database > Literature > English
Very little is known about prehistoric Cambodia, although archeological evidence has established that prior to 1000 BC Cambodians subsisted on a diet of fish and rice and lived in houses on stilts, as they still do today. From the 1st to the 6th centuries, much of Cambodia belonged to the South-East Asian kingdom of Funan, which played a vital role in developing the political institutions, culture and art of later Khmer states. However, it was the …

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…of the Khmer Rouge was one of the sore points of the uneasy coalition of Prince Ranariddh's National United Front and Hun Sen's Cambodian People's Party. In July 1997, Hun Sen followed up accusations that Ranarridh was absorbing Khmer Rouge defectors into his ranks by setting soldiers against royalist troops. A weekend of heavy fighting and looting in Phnom Penh ensued and when the dust settled, Hun Sen assumed sole leadership of Cambodia. Bibliography encyclopedia, internet