"Out of the Dust" By Karen Hesse.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Out of the Dust By Karen Hesse Out of the Dust takes place in Oklahoma during the dust bowl of 1934-1935. Billie Joe a long-legged redheaded girl always dreamed of seeking her fortune playing fierce piano where grass grew leaving the stirring dust behind. Billie Joe turns fifteen during the story she finds herself motherless after her father Bayard leaves a pail of kerosene on the stove, it catches fire, Billie throws it out the …

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…writing style being different as it was From the start this book can be interesting or boring depending on your taste I found it both. It can be depressing (as all Newberry winners are) so I'd recommend it to those who like compelling stories and the truth of hard times in history. Despite my rating and what I think of the book I enjoyed it and highly recommend it someday I might read it again.