Out of Empire: Edward Cough Whitlam

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Politics
Long & tedious, however very informative Well written and clearly presented 'OUT OF EMPIRE: EDWARD GOUGH WHITLAM' 'More than any other part of the old Empire, Australia remains inhibited and limited by its nostalgia for past associations and pretensions which the British nation, and in particular, the British monarch have long since abandoned. Nothing has done more to retard Australia's relations with Britain or to distort the very real and substantial nature of that relationship …

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…Australia needed to adopt a different ally, one who had advanced over the years in the way Britain had not, and Australia could. ie the United States. Thirdly, Whitlam felt Australia should severe ties with Britain because the attachment to the Queen implied things about Australia to other countries that were neither true nor fair. Lastly he resented Australia's ties to Britain because the Opposition rejoiced in them. Gough Whitlam was a politician, after all.