Our Immigration System Is Too Old.

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Immigrants are essential to the United States. They are hardworking people. Therefore, immigrants deserve better services than they are getting from our current immigration system. To make it easier for immigrants and citizens of this great nation we need to reform our current immigration system, because our current immigration system is out of date. For example, it takes a while to get a response from the immigration department; also, the immigration system is not designed …

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…News. Lesix-Nexis Academic. LaGuardia Community Coll. Lib., Long Island City, NY. 24 Jan. 2005 <http://web.lexis-nexis.com/universe>. Shanks, Cheryl. Immigration and the politics of American Sovereignty, 1890-1990. United States of America: The University of Michigan Press, 2004. "UNITED STATES TO TEST RADIO TECHNOLOGY IN BORDER MANGEMENT." States News Services 25 Jan. 2005. General News. Lexis-Nexis Academic. LaGuardia Community Coll. Lib., Long Island City, NY. 31 Jan. 2005 <http://web.lexis.com/universe>.