Our Disappearing Rainforests, and how much we need them.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
As a nation the USA is one of the many countries that export in many items that are used to help raise the populations quality of life, by being able to offer them the prescription medicines needed to cure infections, or exotic food to help improve understanding of culture, and being able to provide expensive wooden furniture to improve comfort. Because of the reasons above these goods are constantly in demand, and whilst seemingly being …

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…tree is felled on tree is replanted in an attempt to keep the numbers at a constant level. Or putting a limit on the amount of trees a logging company can fell per month, aiming to reduce the spread of deforestation and allowing the rainforest to naturally re-grow. All these suggestions will work and need to be put into practice, otherwise in an attempt to do good for some will result in dissaster for everyone.