Our Day Out Essay

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Essay Database > Literature
Willy Russell was born in 1947 at Whiston near Liverpool. His school career in the 'D-stream' was undistinguished and as a result, he left school with one O-level in English language at the age of fifteen. As there was a strong tradition of story telling in his family, he had a vague notion of wanting to become a writer. He drifted into hairdressing but eventually left that job and began working in several industrial jobs before …

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…lt, children did not bother concentrating on life and their future. This leads us to Willy Russell's main purposes. The play is initially to entertain his audience with a fine piece of comedy writing, but his main intention was to inform people of the lack of education, attention and communication teachers' and parents' had with students, particularly the progress class, as a result Willy Russell had a didactic purpose of writing 'Our Day Out.'