Our Big Brother

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Our Eldest Brother George Orwell's infamous "Big Brother" has infected the minds of every one of the millions of readers of 1984. But this horrific view of the future, one in which the government knows everything, keeps the low class down as an economic necessity, and wages a constant war with another of the world's powers, was only in Orwell's imagination. . . wasn't it? In today's world of hi-tech computers, video cameras, and television, the government, along …

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…politicians are focused more on personal and partisan gains than what is needed for the country. They are raising themselves and do not notice the fingertips of the American public they are stepping on, an America that is slowly losing its grip. Orwell's "Big Brother" is by no means far-fetched. With just a few small changes, his society could become a reality. People would be prisoners in a living hell and not even realize it.