"Our American Cousin" by Tom Taylor

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Essay Database > Law & Government
The play "Our American Cousin" was written by British playwright Tom Taylor in the early 19th century. Later, his play was adapted and produced for the American audience by Laura Keene, a notable actress of the time. Keene's production of the play not only left a landmark in American Theater history, but in American history itself. The play made its first U.S. premier in 1858 in New York. Initially this play was written for the …

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…Tab/>As you can see, Our American Cousin makes for an entertaining play. If only the tragedy that surrounds it did not exist, I believe that it would be award winning. I believe it captures enough of the entertainment factor that will keep people reeled in. The play in itself is very broad, and in my opinion very easy to adapt to a more contemporary setting because of the issues that are presented.