Othello essay.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Othello is a play about a black 'noble moor' having the perfect marriage'. This perfect marriage, however, is destroyed by another mans deception and trickery. The mans motives are unclear but through planting the seeds of suspicion into the moors mind his marriage dies and in its place jealousy and anger grows to the point of death. Iago starts off as a passive character in his series of suggestions that generally speaks in a polite …

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…audience and leaves a morbid air about the play. This dramatic irony is important because it makes the audience part of the play because it encourages them to think about what has happened and it imposes the question upon the audience as to why it all happened and what were Iago's motives. Shakespeare does not make it clear what Iago's motives were though so it leaves an almost rhetorical question lingering in the audiences mind.