"Othello": Iago.

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Essay Database > History > European History
An extremely insecure character has the ability to act against those he is envious in a manor that is destructive that requires intellect. Characters fall prey to his manipulations especially Othello and do not suspect his motives of revenge and deem him honorable and trustworthy. His revenge shows that he displays complete apathy to morale concepts of good and evil. On numerous occasions he acknowledges the extent of his wickedness but it does not deter …

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…Iago that he advises him well yet the irony at this stage is that the advice that Iago is giving him is as attempt to win back his position through Desdemona that will ultimately lead to his demise (downfall). Rodrigo also falls prey to Iagos manipulations. He believes that he, Iago, is truly sympathetic in trying to aid him in turning Desdemona away from Othello. In consequence he falls victim to Iagos' plots for revenge.