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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Iago has a large appetite for revenge. In his perspective, he believes that it is he who should be in charge, not Othello the moor. This creates an anger in Iago, who entraps Othello in a web of deceit. He does this through a series of suggestions and hesitations that entice and implant images in Othello's head that lead to his demise. But what is more important is that he gives Othello the motive to …

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…his lies further and further. He acts as a noble person, and everyone thinks of Iago as their ally. He uses every opportunity possible to create a feeling of distrust, so that everyone is paranoid. Being a master of deception, this was not difficult. He manages to operate successfully, until Emilia his wife, unravels his sinister plan but it is already too late, as Desdemona is dead and Iago has gained his revenge from Othello.