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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Othello: Tragedy Shakespearian tragedy involves the downfall of a great man, which would eventually lead to his destruction, moving the audience, and to make them pity him. In the course of his own destruction Othello must come to understand his own nature in a way that he did not beforehand. Othello confronts extreme loss, despair and suffering. He comes to realize that he was mistaken about Desdemona, deceived by the person he wrongly trusted. Through …

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…and she states that women are mere sex objects for their husbands. The response of the audience in Othello *Othello is the most painful tragedy to watch. *The audience is drawn to Iago's plan due to the fact that he has more soliloquies that Othello. These soliloquies have more power due to the content where he reveals his plan to the audience and so the audience is made to feel as if they are accomplices.