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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
*Othello is a tense, closely-knit play, with an ever-increasing emotional scene. The character Iago, Othello's ancient, is the cause of all the tragedy which comes to pass as the play progresses. He is a manipulator, opposing Othello not directly, but through other characters whom he tricks. From his actions throughout the play one sees that Iago was gifted at using other people, to further his own schemes. *Act One, Scene One is the most important …

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…Iago flees, but only to be caught and brought to justice. After reading Othello, the word jealousy runs wild in my mind. This word is displayed two different ways. Frequently, the word means suspicious or sexual jealousy. Throughout the drama, jealousy is used in the sense of a possessive love which will not even tolerate the idea of a competitor, which crates unfounded suspicion. In Othello's case, suspicion is not unfounded but it is created.