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Essay Database > Literature > English
Othello and the Depiction of Women Desdemona is a bad portrayal of a women's role in society. She is depicted as the adulterous lover. Othello believes Iago, when he says that Desdemona was caught with Cassio. Desdemona tries to tell Othello that Iago has been lying to him. Othello never gives her the chance to explain. So, Othello kills her and soon learns the truth. He feels awful after the killing but can do nothing. …

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…she even seeks redemption for whomever has caused this strife lamenting, "If any such there be, heaven pardon him"(IV.ii.137). The "Homily" advises, in addition to praying, that the "husband" should take further precautions in securing the marriage's solidarity: he should subtly overlook a women's temperament due to its frailty. His moderation is viewed more favorably than if he'd failed to recognize the woman's faults and respond violently. Unfortunately, Othello is driven by his