Othello - acting techniques for act 5 scene 2

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
We are currently working on the first half of act 5 scene 2 whereby Desdemona is smothered by her husband, Othello, who is misguided by his jealously and hatred at the thought of Desdemona being unfaithful to him. This play, Othello, is a tragedy; and this scene is the climax of the tragedy. It needs to be tragic! Othello's rash decisions when he becomes emotional feature very prominently in this scene and it is important that Othello …

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…Her reaction is strong denial and protest "No, by my life and soul". She says she didn't give the handkerchief to Cassio Desdemona's ability to show her desperation will build the drama and chaos leading up to her death. She must be frantic, and try desperately to convince Othello that she is faithful. That's how the play is supposed to go, now I hope everyone was listening because now were going to begin the rehearsal.