Othello - This is character analysis about Othello the charater. It's got plenty of quotes to use and very a large resource of detail about the characteristic's of Othello.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Othello at the beginning of the play is shown as an intelligent brave and courageous Moor who won the heart of Desdemona. As the play unfolds his true characteristics is revealed. His character even being manipulated shows its weakness and flaws of his inherent character. His jealous nature, his vulnerability to being easily manipulated and his trust too quickly personality, through to the end of the book where his uncontrollable anger overpowers his senses till …

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…Even With Othello's intelligence and bravery he succumbs to jealousy and uncountable anger. He believes firmly in loyalty that makes him fall prey to Iago's cruel and wicked personality. Which lastly forces him to commit a crime and kill an innocent. In this tragedy he falls victim to not only a devil like person like Iago, but to his own weakness. As the quote went he did not know himself enough before knowing his enemy.