Othello - A Brief Speach of Act 4 Scene 1.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Othello - A Brief Speach of Act 4 Scene 1 This presentation is about the way the event that taken place in the scene, tell us something about the characters and their relationships with one another where the power shifts. At the beginning of the play Othello is seen as a moor, an underclass or a foreigner. But still, he is one of the most powerful people in Venice. He is the general, of at that time, …

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…man", it sends Othello's mind into a spiral of question and rage. And because Othello trusts Iago, power shifts because is put under Iago's manipulative spell. This is shown in line 13, when Iago mentions a handkerchief. Shakespeare obviously meant for the audience to realize the Othello recognition, when Othello suddenly interrupts Iago, with " what then", it shows his frustration and immediate question. Now, Iago definitely has the once mentally powerful Othello under his metaphorical thumb.