Orwell and "Why I Write" - a brief analysis of what Orwell means in this short story.

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No book is genuinely free from political bias," Orwell wrote. The idea that "art should have nothing to do with politics is itself a political attitude." Political purpose, George Orwell claims, is inherently present in all works of literature. Orwell states this as one of the four great motivations for all writers to have, and even his own pieces explicitly contain his own political opinions. Within "Why I Write", George Orwell inputs his own beliefs …

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…lie in itself. All writers input their own perspectives in their writing and, most certainly, write to sway the reader to the side they most desire. The tools a writer has are words and their passion for what they believe in. George Orwell deeply believe when one is writing, that individual has a purpose set in my mind. Without a clear cut definition of that purpose, their words are "without meaning" and just "humbug generally."