Orson Scott Card

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Essay Database > Literature > English
There are many ways to write a book, it is all in the choice of the author who is writing the book. The author can go crazy with his own books; he can choose the different characters, the different settings, and also the different plots in the story. Even though the author can have his own mind in his book, there has to be meaningful reasons for his/her decision. In Ender’s Game by …

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…the writing style the author chose to write made the book very interesting to read. The way he wrote just made me not put the book down and just made me kept reading and readi ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** Humphries, Doug. Sept. 21, 1997. Internet Site. http://www.telisphere.com/~doug1/bookrvw.html Humphries, Doug. Sept. 21, 1997. Internet Site. http://www.telisphere.com/~doug1/bookrvw.html Newquist, Kenneth. Nuketown Editor. Internet Site. http://www.nuketown.com/bookshlf/enders-game/enders.htm