Origins of the Cold War

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
A) Plan of the investigation Subject of the investigation: To investigate historical controversy over the origins of the Cold War. Methods: a.Research of bibliography about the origins of the Cold Wax. Instrument: Internet. Three main sites were particularly helpful: CNN the Cold War, Cold War Policies, Cold War History Project. The main criteria used for selection were: reliability of the sources and the most recent. b.Writing of an annotated bibliography about the topic. …

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…different, theories and schools help us get closer to the "truth" a rather elusive quest that seems to be neglected in the pursuit of historical knowledge and education. History might be an instrument used to promote conformist attitudes and acceptance of one particular or "official" view. Controversy allows us to see different angles of the same episode and enhance our knowledge about it. It is also interesting to see how historians who doubted the reliability