Origin Myths

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Essay Database > Literature > Mythology
SSCI 101: Cultural Diversity Origin Myths Origin Myths are one of the ways people attempt to explain the unexplainable. With the development, modern technology the myth has been much less used. According to Webster?s college dictionary myth is defined as ?A traditional or legendary story, especially one that involves gods and heroes and explains a cultural practice or natural phenomenon.? To me myths are a wonderful thing; they represent creativity and are a very good …

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…Grandma Spider when she made a bowl from damp clay. I mean how spider can make a bowl itself and bring sun in it? It?s beyond my fantasy for sure, however; those Cherokee people obviously believed in that. I?d say it was more force nature rather than humans or animals. I?m not familiar with the beginning of the world scientifically, but commons sense tells me that it was nature affairs. 7. 8. The End