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Essay Database > Literature > English
Rough Draft The Purpose of this paper is to show where origami originated from, and why it is so popular today. Origami originated in many different places. It was used as far back as 1185, in the Japanese Heian period. The origins of origami are still in dispute, but it seems that all countries say they started it. Of these, China, Japan, Indonesia, and Korea all claim ownership. Origami has a long history in both the …

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…the existing predated ones, and then created the modern crane used today. Then in the 19th century, turned origami into more of a recreational activity rather than an art form. A conference in Parris, in the 19th century brought both the east and west styles together. Origami is used a lot now for a hobby but it is still popular among littler children making popguns and balloons, and even creating their own new origami forms.