Organized Labor Laws and their history in U.S., covers past, present, and prospective future...3 pages

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Labor Laws and Organized Labor Let's start way back at the beginning. The history of the Organized labor dates back to early America. The first factory workers were predominately immigrants, slaves and children and they were easily exploited by many factory owners. Slaves had no constitutional rights and were treated at the will of their owners. Immigrants lacking the funds for passage to the United States, often signed indentured servant contracts. These contracts allowed factory …

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…the best thing to do would be move to Africa or Brazil, because the increasing demands of the American workforce would eventually overpower the economy, and ruin everything. However, Labor unions of late seem to be dropping like flies, so perhaps the American people are beginning to see that unions are past their time, and they are being forced out the door. Let's hope so. I don't want to have to research real-estate in Brazil.