Organizational Culture How do we as leaders change an environment that appears to be detrimental to allowing our soldiers to "be all they can be"?
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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Organizational Culture
How do we as leaders change an environment that appears to be detrimental to allowing our soldiers to "be all they can be"? Making policies, issuing directives and establishing doctrine attempt to attack the issue, but what we really want to do is change the way the Army thinks. We want to change the Amy's culture. Organizational researcher Edgar Schein points out that an organization's culture is a pattern of assumptions judged as
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the future leaders of America's Army. Soldiers are our credentials. We must support them with a culture that allows honest mistakes, encourages initiative and values integrity. We cannot merely hope, direct or even legislate that this culture will form. Instead, our values and assumptions must be communicated in our actions as leaders. Only then will a culture be instilled that ensures our Army remains a place where soldiers can truly be all they can be.
the future leaders of America's Army. Soldiers are our credentials. We must support them with a culture that allows honest mistakes, encourages initiative and values integrity. We cannot merely hope, direct or even legislate that this culture will form. Instead, our values and assumptions must be communicated in our actions as leaders. Only then will a culture be instilled that ensures our Army remains a place where soldiers can truly be all they can be.