Organizational Behavioral Application in Mergers.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Management
Abstract The scope of organizational behavior for a manager goes beyond carving strategies for the functioning of the organization, and can extend further during and after acquisitions to extend financial benefits. The merger is the combination of two companies to form a new company. A manager has an important responsibility to develop a leadership plan while keeping human elements that arise from such mergers in mind. To create this balanced equilibrium, the manager uses transition …

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…December 16, 2002). Provides information on pertinent HR Issues in the workplace. Retrieved November 2, 2003, from Making a success of mergers and acquisitions Retrieved October 27, 2003, from People Soft Corporate Backgrounder provides company overview information. Retrieved November 2, 2003, from Robbins, S. P. (2001). Organizational Behavior. Boston: Pearson Custom Publishing. Vijayan, J. (2003) Oracle Adds ID Security to Database, App. Server. Computerworld, 37(42), 14. Retrieved November 2, 2003, from EBSCO Host Research Database.