Organisational Culture

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Pages: 9
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Essay Database > Business & Economy
1.0 Introduction Each organisation has its own way of doing what it does and its own way of talking about what it is doing, its own culture. Culture can be described as the assumptions, values, behaviors and artifacts that an organisation exhibits. It is what makes one organisation different from another, from the employees who work there, the rites and rituals of daily work, the practices and procedures to the layout of the building and offices. "…

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…on 11th April 2004] [4] Lundberg, J (2004) For a global warming revolution, Culture change (online) Available at: [Accessed on 11th April 2004] [5] McNamara, C. (1999) Organisation culture, The Management Assistance Program for Nonprofits 2233 University Avenue West (online) Available at: [Accessed on 9th April 2004] [6] Scholl, R.W. (2003) Organisation culture, University of Rhode Island (online) Available at: [Accessed on 1st April 2004]