Organisational Behaviour:A new Magazine in Nigeria

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Excutive Summary Group dynamics at Excellence magazine, one of the leading publications in Nigeria, have been soured by competing ideologies. The magazine's publisher, George Mba, has become increasingly critical and dominant in recent times. As a result, George came into direct conflict with Excellence's liberal editor, Charlotte Demuren. Charlotte has since been dismissed, but the tension created by the conflict between she and George has had a significant and detrimental impact upon member satisfaction and …

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…Principles and Applications, the Ronald Press Company. Brown, Rupert 1988. Group Processes: Dynamics within and between groups, Billing & Sons Ltd, Worcester, Great Britain. Cartwright and Zander 1968. Group Dynamics: Research and Theory, 3rd edition, Harper & Row, New York and London. Luft, Joseph 1984. Group Processes: An Introduction to Group Dynamics, 3rd edition, Mayfield Publishing Company, Mountain View CA. Wood et al. 2004. Organisational Behaviour: A Global Perspective, 3rd edition, John Wiley & Sons, Brisbane.