Organisation Analysis and Behaviour - Personal Action Learning Journal

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1-Peter Costello political statements about immigrants not abide by Australian values or laws. Nature of the statement: any immigrant who does not believe in Australians values and not abides him self by this country laws should leave Australia because Australia laws value are not optional. Any new immigrant who wants to be Australian will be sown in before his Australian citizenship. Looking to this statement in organisational prospective in order to identify four frames, it …

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…world is rejecting other peoples values, cultures and civilisations. for example bombing new York in September 11th 2001 was not just anger from al-quida, it was planned to damage western culture through U. S. more over, it has become important not for U.S only but most of western countries who are believe in democratic values as a way of freedom. the two bodies are aware that protecting American values is collective responsibility the all Americans.