Ordinary people

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Forgiveness is the ability to release the mind and heart from all past hurts and failures, all sense of guilt and loss. Judith Guest uses the theme of forgiveness in her novel to establish its importance in a real life family situation. In Ordinary People, the lack of forgiveness detrimentally affects the Jarret Family. The father, Calvin Jarret, finds himself torn between his wife, Beth, and his suicidal son, Conrad. Beth finds herself unable to …

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…and behaviors. This doesn't mean that either person is wrong, just that they have different views. Accepting these differences creates more understanding among family members and can help to build greater family strengths. Judith Guest uses an "ordinary" family to tragically and dramatically illustrate how forgiveness is and essential part of a strong, healthy relationship. Guest's novel, Ordinary People, depicts what happens to the relationships in the Jarret family due to their lack of forgiveness.