Opinions on US PATRIOT Act of 2001

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Essay Database > Law & Government
On October 26, 2001 President George W. Bush signed the US PATRIOT Act of 2001; making it a law. The word "patriot" in the Patriot Act is an acronym that spells out "Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism". The name sounds pretty nice but the bill; however, in my opinion is like one of those things that sound better in your head. I am not at all knocking the United States whatsoever, but for so …

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…as this. I am behind the United States and the President one hundred percent, but I guess I am still allowed my opinion. I believe this law is a good thing; however, it contradicts the whole Bill of Rights and Constitution. I do not want my civil rights and freedom to be any less present then it is. If the world turned more to God, then we wouldn't be in the situation of terrorism anyways.