Operations Management Case Studies

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Pages: 14
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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Marketing and Advertising
1. Introduction This report focuses on the case studies of the Levi Jeans workers and the California Auto Club reengineering customer service. It looks at operations management as a source for gaining a competitive advantage and overcoming potential problems experienced within and organisation or workplace. The questions to be reviewed are as follows: Jeans Therapy - Levi's factory worker are assigned to teams, and morale takes a hit: 1.<Tab/>What went wrong …

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…and fulfilling customers' needs and requirements will undoubtedly reap the benefits from loyal customers by enhancing customer satisfaction. However management should not put all its efforts in keeping customer satisfaction, as this will be generated by the overall service concept that the company provide to the customer. Certainly the customer has to be in employees' mind all the time reminding them that they are there because there is a customer who is willing to pay.