Opening Argument

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Sam Rose stands trial for her actions. Three counts : 1: Posing or adulterating a drink 2: Assault with a deadly weapon or by means of force likely to produce great bodily injury and 3: Drug possession. The act of poisoning is a covert act, a strike from the darkness. A person who would commit these acts is not a strong, powerful, person. She would be the type of person who would avoid the gaze of her peers, sit …

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…a bed in the defendants room. The defendants action have come to light.The prosecution will provide the means, the motive, and the opportunity which will illuminate the layers of darkness surrounding Sam Rose. And out of the waning darkness will emerge an image. That image will be of the defendant. Not as we see her here today but as a cold calculating individual, who plotted and executed poisoning of Corey Jones and Rene Guerrero.