One,Last,Time abortion speech

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Written by Sian Kelly Spoken by a mayor or governor of an American state to his citizens. One Last Time 'They have blood on their hands, and it cannot be washed off' Citizens, since 1973 we have been silenced but no longer can we be held down by debauchery. For the first time in three decades we have been given that spark to light the path leading back to morality. For the first time since Roe …

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…the basic principles into your communities, take charge of the misguided and lead them down We will let their jury go out, but we will not let them forget that we are here this time, let the vexation of the last subdued thirty years cry out in this come back, let the people of our land know we are ready to fight one, last, time. Quotes from: Shake here, Dostoyevsky and Gorge Bush. Word count: 545