One Man's (Hamlet) Struggle with Choice

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Essay Database > Literature
In every good story, the protagonist usually has to make a dramatic decision or two that affects the entire plot of the story. Depending on this key decision, the character may be good or evil, right or wrong, victorious or defeated. Just like all of Shakespeare's other works, Hamlet is full of these tough choices. When one's father dies, especially when the father is a very influential character on one's life, life-changing decisions will surly …

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…is not a tough choice to find out whether or not to kill his uncle, because most people I know would want to get revenge on the murderer of anyone they love. In the end, Hamlet makes the right choices. Even though he loses his life in the process, this is something that he is ready to give up. After reading Hamlet, it is easy to conclude that he is a smart and courageous boy.