"One Last Chance" Short story

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
I stumbled, and fell to my knees against the hard bitumen of the road. I quickly scrambled to my aching feet, with trembling fingers brushed the pebbles indented with blood in the scrapes on my knees. I looked back over my shoulder, my eyes darting right to left frantically, terrified. Where was it? My breath coming in- shuddering gasps that wracked my body with pain. Then I could see it! It was coming at the …

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…my eyes, the blood from my mangled hands mixing with the salty tears. I knew that they would not give into mercy this time, they were hard, cold, unfeeling. Almost like the Devil's sons indeed. I could feel my pain, rising in tumults inside of my body, threatening to engulf me. No! I cried in my mind... I wasn't going to let them see my pain, and I would not scream, not like last time.