One Day in the Life Ivan Dsnisovich

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The political and cultural standpoints of Stalin's' regime were to identify the totalitarian rule of the communist party. As Joseph Stalin came into power, one of the major goals of his regime was to create a new Stalinist attitude and have sole loyalty from his followers. Stalin set aside many tactics to rid anyone who went against or were accused of going against the view and beliefs of the Stalin regime. Stalin imprisoned and murdered …

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…of cold weather. They were subjected to endure extreme physical torture in freezing temperatures, in which they were wearing prison attire, which was ultimately not suited for extreme weather conditions. Shukhov had to focus on avoiding punishments from the enforcers, on regulations, as well as suffer from the unbearable winter weather conditions. The book showed one day in a Stalinist camp in which Shukhov (similar to Solzhenitsyn) had been there for eight years. Word Count: 1168