"One Child" - the True Story Of a Young, Intelligent Teacher Striving to Reach a Wild, Unreachable, and Abused Child. Book by Torey Hayden

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Essay Database > History > North American History
"One Child", by Torey Haden, is a true account of a six-year old abandoned and abused girl on the edge of insanity, hiding herself from the world, only to be "tamed" by an intelligent young teacher, who in turn learns just how cruel the world can be. Sheila's mother abandoned her just two years ago, when she was four: thrown right out the window on her highway and pierced her leg on a sharp rock, …

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…year, Sheila had to go to a different class - a normal one - and Torey was moving out of the state. They both cherished each other by that point, and wuold miss each other incredibly. Currently, Sheila is now in her 30s. She is single, but lives with two cats and two dogs, all of whom she adores and loves very much. She has chosen not to comment on this book published about her.