"Once more to the lake" by E.B White.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
"There are a few remembrances in our life like that at a lake in Maine that attract us and refresh our memory even though that happened a long time ago. "Once More to the Lake" written by Elwyn Brooks White is a wonderful recollection of summer times spent with his family, and especially with his father at the lake in Maine. Also I have some remembrances from my past that are very similar to these …

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…life that I wonted to get them back. I told them about my life and listened to them and I don't remember what time was when I fold asleep. "Once more to the Lake" and the visit of my home are remembrances that will be forever in our hearts even though we get older. These moments will be always fresh and important to us because they tell us something what we don't want to loose."