On why capital punishment should be banished

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Supreme Court
Death to Capital Punishment act: The death penalty has, in recent years, been dismissed by many developed nations as a form of punishment. In fact, the United States is the only one of all the western developed nations to still continue this practice. The death penalty is called by some the poor man's penalty. Most rich criminals can get away from this punishment by pouring more money into investigation and getting better lawyers in court. …

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…to using lethal injection in most states, there still exist electrocution, hanging, gas chamber and the firing squads. And although lethal injection is said to be less painful than other previously common methods, it is in fact quite painful for the prisoner. Criminals aren't born. They are products of society. The crime rates are the gauge of the depravity of society. Punishing criminals isn't the only way to solve the problem of high crime rates.