On the subject of gay marriage and homosexuality A manifesto

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
On the Subject of Gay Marriage and Homosexuality This Gay marriage issue is a vexing one to be sure. The pro Gay marriage lobby has decided that the reason of the issue is the "Full faith and credit clause" in Article IV of the U.S. Constitution. They are claiming that if Massachusetts issues licensees for Gays to marry then all the other states of the union must honor those unions just as they do …

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…familial relationships of those who may marry). 98) Marriage would continue to recognize the highest possible commitment that can be made between two adults, plain and simple. 99) People just want to love each other. And when the love is a romance, those to people need to and have a right to show there love legally and declare it infront of their peers, if they so wish, no matter what city, state, country, or continent they're on.